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Erhöhung der Lebenserwartung und Krankheitsbehandlung mit Hilfe von regelmäßigem Fasten und Kalorienreduzierung - der wirksamste wissenschaftlich geprüfte natürliche Anti-Aging Plan

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Underweight = <18.5
Normal weight = 18.5-24.9
Overweight = 25-29.9
Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater

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Fasten und Kalorienreduzierung zur Behandlung von Unfruchtbarkeit:

A case of obesity, diabetes and hypertension treated with very low calorie diet (VLCD) followed by successful pregnancy with intrauterine insemination (IUI).
Endocr J 2000 Dec;47(6):787-91.
Katsuki A, Sumida Y, Ito K, Murashima S, Gabazza EC, Furuta M, Yano Y, Sugiyama T, Toyoda N, Adachi Y. 
Third Department of Internal Medicine, Mie University School of Medicine, Tsu, Japan.

The patient was a 32-year-old obese woman with a history of type 2 diabetes and hypertension for 6 years. Although she was treated with antihypertensive agents and intensive insulin therapy, her hyperglycemia was difficult to control. She wanted to have a baby but pregnancy was not recommended because her diabetes was under poor control and the use of antihypertensive medication. To achieve good control of obesity, diabetes and hypertension, she was admitted to our clinical department for weight reduction using very low calorie diet (VLCD). During VLCD she had a 19.8 kg reduction in body weight and her blood glucose and blood pressure were in good control without the use of drugs. Five months later, she became pregnant after the fourth trial of intrauterine insemination (IUI) and gave birth to a female baby under insulin therapy. This is the first report that showed the usefulness of VLCD for prepregnant control of glucose metabolism and blood pressure in an obese hypertensive patient with type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Rejuvenating effects of 10-week underfeeding period on estrous cycles in young and old rats.
Neurobiol Aging 1987 May-Jun;8(3):225-32. 
Quigley K; Goya R; Meites J.

The effects of providing 50% of normal feed intake for 10 weeks followed by 16 weeks of ad lib feeding on estrous cycles and mammary tumor incidence were studied in female rats initially 4 months and 15-16 months old. Initially all young rats exhibited regular or irregular estrous cycles and only about 41% of the older rats cycled regularly or irregularly; the remainder of the older rats did not cycle. During underfeeding, both the young and older rats lost body weight and ceased to cycle. After refeeding 100% of both young and old rats resumed cycling, the young rats for a much longer period than the old rats, and more of both groups continued to cycle than their ad lib-fed controls. Upon refeeding, the young and old rats reached the body weights of the ad lib-fed controls in about 3 weeks. Mammary tumors were initially present only in old rats and regressed during underfeeding; they rapidly reached control size upon refeeding. Plasma PRL levels declined during underfeeding but rebounded to higher than control values upon refeeding in both young and old rats. In young but not in old rats, plasma LH levels fell during underfeeding but returned to control values upon refeeding. These results demonstrate that a relatively short period of underfeeding, followed by refeeding, can delay the decline in reproductive cycles in young rats and reinitiate estrous cycles in older rats. These effects appear to be mediated via the neuroendocrine system.


Tag Cloud: Hungarywater fasting weight lossuterinefastingweight lossestrousanti-agingrejuvenationfasting juicepregnancyjuice fastinginfertilityaging plan,antiagingcalorie restriction societyanti aging plan.Budapestwater fastingvlcd,calorie restrictioncaloric restrictionCroatia


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